Oh Its Me

In the garden The serpent deceives Eve, next minute God shows up and asks what’s happening? The blame shifting and the pointing fingers go to work. God wasn’t buying any of it. He still isn’t A word of correction or adjustment comes and we decide its for everyone else, our neighbor, the church down the road. We know the only person its not for is us. I’ve seen prophets come to a church and speak to an issue and people nod wisely and transfer it to those other churches.

Oh its me, yep when we get smart we are looking to take responsibility. Apply it to ourselves first. If you are in a dispute and it is 50% your doing take 100% responsibility. Whether it be a personal issue, a marriage issue or some other relationship. Own it. How can I change and fix it. Your responsibility is for your response. Eve wouldn't own it, Adam didn’t want to own it. It’s an old error but it doesn’t have to be repeated.

I’ve done heaps of blame shifting and finger pointing over the years, didn’t empress the Lord even one time. When I calm down I always see His finger pointing at me. Lets start with you.




Put the Sword Away