Bad things happen to good people, there’s a time to weep. But we cant stay victims, it traps us and locks us in. Paralyzes life, we are never powerful as victims. If you are in a cave God will come to you, how you answer Him is key. When He comes its time to put away the hurt, confusion and then the excuses that kept us locked away. He will bring you up and out, away from the prison house. Your identity can not remain victim. Some people never move on and wear their hurt as a flag, it becomes who they are. Little things and big things crave for victimhood in our lives, they must be vigorously denied. It’s spring time, lets do some cleaning house and rid ourselves of any whiff of poor me.
Individuals, groups, cultures that embrace victimhood as a mentality are hurting themselves. Been to this well plenty of times myself, plan to stop visiting.
Mike out, have a great week.